​Isaiah 08:16-22 – To The Law And To The Testimony

A Sermon by Nate Wilson for Christ the Redeemer Church, 27 August 2006, updated 06 Jun 2021

If you had a million dollars and you knew you were about to die, what would you do with it? Would you pull it out of the bank and leave it on the kitchen table? Why not? Because you don’t want just anybody picking up your treasure at the wrong time. You will carefully think of how to pass your treasure on to your children and others you love in such a way that as little of it is wasted as possible, right?

READ PASSAGE: starting at v.9 Break, you peoples, and be shattered. Give ear, every distant land; strap on your armor and be shattered. Strap on your armor and be shattered.

10 Consult a counselor and it will come to nothing. Speak a word, but it will not stand, for God is with us. 11 For Yahweh spoke thus to me as strength of the hand and instructed me away from walking in the way of this people saying, 12 "Y'all shall not say, 'It is a conspiracy' concerning all which this people [calls] conspiracy. Don't y'all fear its fear, nor be in dread. 13 Yahweh of hosts: Him hallow, He your fear, Him dread! 14 Then He will become a sanctuary – as well as a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling – to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them will stumble. They will fall and be broken; they will be snared and taken. 16 "Bind the testimony; seal the instruction in my disciples" 17 And I will wait for Yahweh, who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob, and I will look eagerly for Him. 18 Behold, I and the children whom Yahweh have given to me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from Yahweh of hosts, who dwells in mount Zion. 19 And when they shall say to you, "Seek after the mediums and to the wizards, the ones who chirp and mutter: should not a people seek after their God – to the living instead of to the dead? 20 To the instruction and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, then that one has no dawn. 21 And he shall pass through it, hard-pressed and hungry; and it shall come to pass that, when he becomes hungry, he shall be frustrated and curse in [the name of] his king and of his god, and face upward: 22 and he will look to the earth, and behold, distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish; thrust into thick darkness. (NAW)

Isaiah 8:16 “Bind the testimony; seal the instruction in my disciples”

This treasure is to be “Bound” = kept from getting separated and lost.

and “Sealed” = Authenticated, and kept from the eyes of all but the intended recipient

What is this treasure that is so precious that it needs to be “bound” and “sealed”? It is God’s Word!

Commentators agree that this is talking about God’s word, but they disagree on who is doing the speaking here:

  1. God speaking to Isaiah – majority of commentators1 (God telling Isaiah to make this prophecy hidden so that only certain people will understand it cf. ch.6 “render their eyes dim & ears heavy”)

  2. Isaiah speaking to God

The word of God is precious. It is a treasure that we need to carefully consider how to pass on to the next generation. What can we do to “bind” and “seal” it in our own hearts and in the hearts of our children and our disciples?

  1. Reading (Example of the Pent family in Ten P’s in a Pod – 30 minutes after every meal, could complete any Bible verse in public meetings)

  2. Meditation (Mentioned 20x in the Psalms, including Psalm 119:97 “Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Discuss Bible passage in family vespers.)

  3. Memorizing (Cards on bathroom mirror, recite at breakfast, listen to scripture on tape, write it as part of QT)

  4. Obeying (How many people lose their children to the world because the Bible was nothing but a reading program, not their source of life! Disobedient are sealed out.)

The next verse turns to the source of God’s word, and that is God Himself. This is the focus of where we as believers should look. We should orient our lives so that we are eagerly looking to God, as the source of our life, the source of inspiration, the source of the Bible, the only One in whom we can be satisfied.

(v. 17) And I will wait for Yahweh, who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob, and I will look eagerly for Him.

In 2006, 2008, and 2010, the Barna research group conducted surveys asking the same question: “What is your highest priority in life?”

What is it that YOU eagerly look forward to?

I am reminded of a passage in the book of Philippians where the apostle Paul shares what he most eagerly looked forward to:

Philippians 1:20 “…my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing shall I be put to shame, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life, or by death. (21) For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Paul uses the same word “earnest expectation” in Romans 8:19ff, where he talks of the whole of creation groaning and longing with eager expectation for the “glory that is to be revealed.” Paul’s hope and eager expectation were oriented around being like Jesus and being with Jesus in heaven.

What happens when we live out lives of faith, looking earnestly to God and treasuring His word? We become a testimony to the world around us. When we live out a different worldview that shows that God is valuable instead of power and possessions it is a sign and a wonder to the world. Not only us, but our children as well.

(v. 18) Behold, I and the children whom Yahweh have given to me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from Yahweh of hosts, who dwells in mount Zion.

Notice Isaiah does not say, “I and my children,” but “I and the children God gave me.”

Those children who live in your house do not ultimately belong to you; they belong to God, and God intends to use them as well as you as a testimony of Himself to the world. He did this in Isaiah’s case through giving special names for Isaiah’s sons:

How can you and you and your children point to God and His promises like Isaiah and his sons did?

You and your children are in the world today in order to be road signs. You’ve got a big arrow on your back, and the way you live your life is going to point that arrow in a certain direction. If you have oriented your life toward God and His word, the big arrow on your back is pointing to God. You and your children were put here on this earth in order to be signs that point to God. Most people in the world are pointing in the wrong direction. We need to point them in the right direction.

(v. 19) And when they shall say to you, “Seek after the mediums and to the wizards, the ones who chirp and mutter: should not a people seek after their God – to the living instead of to the dead?

(20) To the instruction and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, then that one has no dawn.

You see, when they point in the wrong direction (consulting psychics – or any other source of information that is not oriented toward God), we should turn them around and point them in the right direction and say, “To the Bible!”

Now, do you think anyone will really ever say to you, “Hey, let’s go consult a medium”? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think. There’s a palm-reading psychic’s office downtown, and you’ve probably met someone who has been to a medium to have their palm read.

Where do you go when you need this kind of information? To the encyclopedia? To the Television? To the internet? (heaven forbid!) To other people? No! We are Christians with our life oriented toward God and His Word. We go to the Bible and to prayer when we want to know something.

If we are oriented towards God’s word so that we go there when we need answers, then the Bible will become our standard for judging whether something is good or bad. As Isaiah says here in verse 20, if an information source “does not speak according to this word [from God], then it has no dawn.” There is no promise of any light from that source.

If we are Christians, our lives must be oriented around God’s Word and we need to go to the Bible every time we need to know something.

If we do not use the Bible as our standard, life is bad news. The final verses of this chapter describe what it is like to have no light - to live a life that is not oriented by God’s word.

(v. 21) And he shall pass through it, hard-pressed and hungry; and it shall come to pass that, when he becomes hungry, he shall be frustrated and curse in [the name of] his king and of his god, and face upward: (22) and he will look to the earth, and behold, distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish; thrust into thick darkness.

The price of turning away from God is not worth it.

“When I graduated from high school, two years passed while I began to run from the Lord and into a world of alcohol and drugs… I had to drop out of [college] due to my lack of a high enough grade point average and began seeking a career in music while bartending for my financial needs. Due to my drug use, I could not hold a job for very long and ... could not pay my bills. I jumped from place to place, living with band mates or girlfriends. Many nights neither were available and I resorted to sleeping in my car in places not considered safe. I was arrested many times, twice for drug felonies… Both charges required me to go through a drug rehabilitation center which was both medical and secular. Both times I began using immediately afterward…. One night as I sat alone… my eyes were suddenly opened to the life I had created. I dropped to my knees in the rain and prayed for the Lord to take me out of the life I created, because I did not have the strength to leave. Over the next month, I lost my job, my band broke up due to my guitarist being arrested for heroin, and my girlfriend kicked me out… I got an unexpected phone call from my father who said if I really wanted help, he had heard of a different type of treatment center… [that] is a faith-based program for addiction. I instantly remembered my prayer in the rain and knew this was where I was supposed to go… Two weeks into the program, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ… and over the next three months He brought me into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him than I ever thought possible. . I was taught that drugs and alcohol are part of a condition that we all struggle with… sin. I learned that though I was powerless over sin and my life had become unmanageable, through Jesus Christ I could be restored to a right relationship with God the father… The Bible study… helped me get… a better understanding of what God’s path is for me… Many of you know about the life I have led and have been a part of a mighty prayer team… I give my greatest thanks and praise to the Lord for your perseverance during those times… I would like to request your continued prayer support for discernment of God’s ‘Lamp unto my feet.’” [endquote]

Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” You who are holding Bibles in your hands are handling an awesome treasure! Bind it to your heart, seal it in your mind, orient your life toward it, point others toward it, use it to judge all of life, and it will be a light to your path.

1Soncino, Targums, JFB, Gill, Young. I only found Kimchi, Delitzsch to support the second view.