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Why has God brought suffering,
And beaten us in our distress?
Is this how He is punishing,
Vindictive in capriciousness?
He humbles those opposed to Him:
The posers and the hypocrites,
Then are you worshiping your sin,
And therefore are not truly His?
But God always expands His grace,
And shows Himself to everyone,
And though we do not see His ways,
He’s turning rebels into sons.
He calls His people to repent,
And therefore sends calamity,
That we may quickly turn to Him,
He shocks us out of apathy.
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My House (I Samuel 2:31-36)by amoswilson |
I built myself a house
That was so great and grand.
I built with all the best
Materials at hand.
I built the walls of straw,
The floor of stubble hay,
The beams were painted reeds,
Foundations made of clay.
In envy of my house,
All people came to gaze.
And I have all I need,
In this, the house I raised.
But then God sent a wind,
With lightening from the sky,
In leveling my house,
He leveled too my pride.
For with my hand I built,
And now He struck my hand,
And so I see my sin.
I see that I am damned.
Forgive me for my pride,
For humbled now I see,
When You hacked down my house,
It was a grace to me.
My house but blocked my view,
And limited my sights.
Now clearly I perceive,
Your holy house of life.
Your house is built in gold,
With bedrock as its root.
Of cedar beams the roof,
The walls of granite hewn.
I come before Your door,
And fall upon my knee.
Do you let sinners in?
Will You open to me?
My name’s above the door.
O Lord, how could it be?
When I was yet in sin,
You built Your house for me?
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A Meditation on Ecclesiastesby amoswilson |
The world is full of vanity,
But what is vanity?
A faith in what is substanceless,
Which is idolatry.
The physical is substanceless,
When of God’s Spirit dispossessed.
The world is cursed because of sin,
Man ate the fruit of sin.
Of good and evil, knowledge, death,
And pain that they brought in.
I take the fruit and think on death,
The vapor left without God’s breath.
Through all of history what is gained?
But toil, never gain.
For day by day the earth still turns,
Man always walks with pain,
Men live and die successive turns,
And nothing’s ever, ever learned.
I saw the pleasures of the world,
But that’s a phantom world.
Through all is self-idolatry,
They can not sate the soul.
So life is our idolatry,
We mortals — oh, the irony!
And what is life on earth but damned,
And every action damns.
And history lives under the curse,
The toil of each man,
To suffer, sin, and die, and curse,
We’re born and then return to earth.
But turn yourself to worship God,
For all comes back to God.
And work with diligence and joy,
To imitate our God.
And think on pain, but then rejoice,
For that’s our lot, and that’s our choice.
Remember always Jesus Christ,
For all comes back to Christ.
In trusting and obedience,
To Christ then we rely,
To fear God in obedience,
So is the end of all of this.